Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The ePass Solution for Paperless Tickets

As more artists and venues try to crack down on scalping, a myriad of tactics are being used to try to reduce the number of scalped or fraudulent tickets. The Fairness in Ticketing Act is a legislative effort in Tennessee aimed at cracking down on those who scalp tickets.

Though the bill has not passed yet, some venues have implemented paperless tickets for live concerts. Some attendees thought that the paperless ticket was incredibly inconvenient. They were told in an email that the purchaser of the tickets had to be there with a credit card and ID and had to enter the venue with all of the other ticket holders at the same time. This isn't a practical solution in today's world.

The current tactics used for picking up digital paperless tickets isn't very convenient
for the ticket buyer. The ePass Secure Paperless Ticket Solution eliminates
these obstacles for the buyer, the venue and the artist. 
Legislation supported by Ticketmaster, which already controls the vast majority of ticket sales in Tennessee, will further tighten its grip on the ticket market, specifically the resale market, while stripping ticket-buyers of their property rights. Those in opposition believe the bill's restrictions are unfair. Ticketmaster also said the paperless ticket option is selected by the artist, team or venue and have proven to cut down on scalping.

"The bill says that our tickets can be revoked, for any reason, at any time," said bill opponent Dick Darr. John Potter, President of the Fan Freedom Project added. "Is there any other product in Tennessee where the seller can take it back for no reason whatsoever and have no obligation to give you a refund? I doubt it."

What if the person who bought the tickets couldn't go to the concert or didn't want to go to the concert anymore? No doubt, they would have liked the option to have been able to give the tickets to somebody else or even sell them to a friend.

With the ePass Secure Changing Barcode App, concert venues and ticket purchasers have
a safe solution for paperless tickets without the inconveniences currently being
imposed on ticket holders.
The ePass paperless ticket solution provides the ticket-buyer with a constantly changing barcode so they can pass along the secure barcode to anyone they please. The digital barcode ticket cannot be duplicated because it is constantly changing so venues can rest assured that they aren’t fueling scalpers. In addition, they are offering the ticket purchaser the freedom they want with their digital tickets.

Watch this video to get more familiar with this paperless ticket solution. http://www.epassapp.com/secure_bar_code_changing_system.html

On the day of the event, the digital barcode holder simply attends the event and their barcode is scanned. The venue can be certain that no tampering, digital or otherwise has taken place because that barcode in the image above wouldn’t be the same from one minute to the next.

The ePass solution gives the buyer the freedom and flexibility they had with paper tickets but now the venue has the peace of mind knowing that they aren’t helping scalpers get away charging absorbent prices. 

To learn more about how ePass can help your venue reduce the effects of scalping, increase customer satisfaction and add a new level of security to your paperless ticketing initiative. To contact us, please call our Sales Team at (305) 343-7480 and we would be pleased to share some ideas for secure solutions to for future live events.